GAMLEC – DIY! Tutorial in English
Great news! We are very excited that our associated partner in Belgium, Arfié, is creating new card content for a different target group: disabled persons.
Great news! We are very excited that our associated partner in Belgium, Arfié, is creating new card content for a different target group: disabled persons.
Siamo molto lieti che i due partner associati Giovani nel tempo e ARAD abbiano deciso di creare nuovi contenuti per le nostre carte da gioco che corrispondano alle esigenze specifiche della loro utenz…
The GAMLEC flyer is available in the following languages: English, German, Lithuanian, Italian and Dutch.
On 9th November 2021, the GAMLEC Dutch Multiplier Event took place online to present all the tools that are available in the GAMLEC E-Learning Platform.
Learning by playing how to improve the quality of life of care home residents is more than just fun. It is inspiring! Check out what players say about the experience….
Sužinokite, kas prisideda prie vyresnio amžiaus žmonių gyvenimo kokybės – ir padarykite tai žaisdami!
Impariamo cosa può migliorare la qualità della vita delle persone anziane – giocando!
Leer wat bijdraagt aan de levenskwaliteit van ouderen – en doe dat spelenderwijs!
Learn what contributes to the quality of life of older people- and do it by playing!
Lernen Sie, was zur Lebensqualität von älteren Menschen beiträgt– und zwar spielend!
Al circolo ARCI Benassi di Bologna si è tenuto il Multiplier Event di GAMLEC: un’opportunità per condividere esperienze, risultati e – soprattutto – per giocare insieme. Imparare giocando… si può!
GAMLEC, the board game created to reflect on how to improve the Quality of Life of the care home residents. Join the upcoming webinar on 9th November 2021.
Der Multiplier Event war ein Erfolg. Anders kann man das nicht sagen. Freiwillige, Fachpflegekräfte, Familienangehörige und ältere Menschen haben miteinander GAMLEC gespielt und das spielend lernen si…
Spalio 6d. Vytauto Didžiojo universite, socialinių mokslų fakultete įvyko renginys, kurio metu buvo pristatytas ,,GAMLEC” (angl. Gaming for mutual learning in elderly care) mokomasis stalo žaidimas.
Im August haben die Mitarbeiterinnen vom Haus des Lebens in Driedorf zum ersten Mal GAMLEC gespielt, aber nicht zum letzten Mal. Zum Nachdenken hat es angeregt und vor allem: Es hat Spaß gemacht! Aber…
On September 15th AFEdemy organised a Dutch trial of the GAMLEC game with volunteers and family members.
Feedback von Frau Simone Funk Einrichtungsleitung im Haus des Lebens Seniorenzentrum Driedorf, nachdem sie GAMLEC in ihrer Einrichtung gespielt haben
Interview with Giuseppe Vito who is responsible for care activities at ASP Città di Bologna
Viel Spaß hatten die Mitarbeiter und Mitarbeiterinnen vom Haus Carolin – Römergarten Residenzen beim GAMLEC-Spiel. Aber sehen Sie selbst.
Impressions from our partners playing the GAMLEC learning board game.
At the Learning Teaching and Training Activity we wanted to meet around a table as people usually do to play a learning board game. Due to the current situation, we cannot meet in person. This cannot …
Interview with Sandra Röse from “Generation Gesundheit” about the GAMLEC learning board game in German.
The GAMLEC Consortium works on the learning board game to improve quality of life for nursing home residents; in times of Corona this is more important than ever.
The compendium on standards for the quality of life of care home residents serves as a basis for the transfer of know-how to paid staff, volunteers and committed relatives. It reflects the state-of-th…
The project’s kick-off meeting took place in Frankfurt (Germany) from 21st to 22nd of November 2019 with the participation of all partners.