Welcome to
Gaming for Mutual Learning in Elder Care GAMLEC!
Everyone can contribute to the quality of life of care home residents.
Let´s make a difference!
Alle können zur Verbesserung der Lebensqualität der Bewohnerinnen und Bewohner in Pflegeheimen beitragen. Lasst uns der Unterschied machen!
Tutti possono contribuire alla qualità di vita dei residenti delle case di cura.
Tu puoi fare la differenza!
Kiekvienas galime prisidėti prie globos namų gyventojų gyvenimo kokybės. Sukurkime pokytį!
Iedereen kan helpen de kwaliteit van leven voor verpleeghuisbewoners te verbeteren.
Laten we het verschil maken!
Let’s play GAMLEC!
The Game
The ageing of the population is a long-term trend that began decades ago. As a consequence to these demographic changes, the EU Member States are facing an increasing demand for long-term-care in homes for dependent seniors. Hence the increase in the demand for qualified and skilled professional carers and volunteers in a tight labour market.
Education and continuous training are needed to keep pace with appropriate quality requirements in order to guarantee the quality of life of nursing home residents, including autonomy, social participation and human dignity, very important aspects of the quality of life from the point of view of senior citizens.
The GAMLEC project aims to provide an innovative and easily accessible, cost-effective learning board game that makes acquiring knowledge on quality of life standards for senior citizens in need of care simple, playful and sustainable. The project is intended to appeal to a large number of people who deal with nursing home residents and, by sharing knowledge, to promote mutual understanding and cooperation between all those involved.
All tools will be made available on the project’s e-learning platform as Open Educational Resources and will be free of charge for all users. The board game can be adapted by the users to their specific needs and thematically developed further. The e-learning platform will also offer a forum to exchange experiences, discuss and suggest improvements to the game as well as give feedback.
The direct target group is a mix of professional carers, carers with a low education level and/or migration background and scarce language proficiency, volunteers in care homes and committed family members of dependent senior citizens. The indirect target group consists of dependent senior citizens, who will benefit from improved quality of life, and care facilities that will have a low-cost training tool to provide training when and where it is needed. In this way they can all draw on a better trained workforce and benefit from greater mutual understanding between the different stakeholders. Collaboration between all parties involved is therefore increased and enhanced.
Game-based learning is about “easy to grasp” knowledge and skills in a relaxed and joyful atmosphere. Playing the board game is a real “get together”. Care home staff, volunteers and committed relatives are invited to sit around the same table, get to know each other, play together, compete, share knowledge and gain insights on different perspectives. The game offers a playful way to learn together and from each other. During the gaming process, the different stakeholders build relationships which, in return, help improve communication, mutual understanding and cooperation.
About the project

The Gaming for Mutual Learning in Elder Care (GAMLEC) project is about promoting high quality standards in elder care.
The GAMLEC project aims at providing an easy-to-access and playful way to acquire and share knowledge and competencies by means of a board game with learning card decks.
The GAMLEC game will be available free of charge on a publicly accessible e-learning platform that will also provide all necessary guidelines, instructions, related materials and further information. A broader and easy-to-access knowledge on standards of quality for dependent seniors enables the target group to make a factual contribution to a sector characterised by a lack of professional carers.
The aim of the Erasmus+ GAMLEC project is to provide training that:
– promotes high quality standards in elderly care
– takes scarcity of resources into consideration
– makes learning easy, and complex content accessible
– is innovative.

GAMLEC – DIY! Tutorial in English
Great news! We are very excited that our associated partner in Belgium, Arfié, is creating new card content for a different target group: disabled persons.
GAMLEC – Fai da te! Tutorial in italiano
Siamo molto lieti che i due partner associati Giovani nel tempo e ARAD abbiano deciso di creare nuovi contenuti per le nostre carte da gioco che corrispondano alle esigenze specifiche della loro utenz…
GAMLEC – Flyer available
The GAMLEC flyer is available in the following languages: English, German, Lithuanian, Italian and Dutch.
GAMLEC Dutch Multiplier Event
On 9th November 2021, the GAMLEC Dutch Multiplier Event took place online to present all the tools that are available in the GAMLEC E-Learning Platform.
Learning by playing how to improve the quality of life of care home residents is inspiring!
Learning by playing how to improve the quality of life of care home residents is more than just fun. It is inspiring! Check out what players say about the experience….
Newsletter Lithuania – Newsletter Lietuva
Sužinokite, kas prisideda prie vyresnio amžiaus žmonių gyvenimo kokybės – ir padarykite tai žaisdami!
Newsletter Italy – Newsletter Italia
Impariamo cosa può migliorare la qualità della vita delle persone anziane – giocando!
Newsletter The Netherlands – Nieuwsbrief Nederland
Leer wat bijdraagt aan de levenskwaliteit van ouderen – en doe dat spelenderwijs!

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.