Preparing the web streaming of the online session of our learning board game

Nothing can stop us! Preparing the web streaming of the online session of our learning board game to improve the life of care home residents!

GAMLEC – Gaming for Mutual Learning in Elder Care is the name of our project and of our learning board game. It is meant to make the different stakeholders of our target group meet around a table, to get to know each other and to learn from each other. These days people cannot do so, but the GAMLEC Consortium is not willing to give up. They will play the game online. The players move from “Start” to “Excellence” on the board while picking up a card at the time. There are cards that tell how quality of life can be improved, allowing the players to move forward. The good fairy cards contain input on what we can do furthermore to improve the quality of life of care home residents. But as life teaches us, we can learn as well from examples that depict situations that are actually detrimental to the quality of life of care home residents. Last but not least, there are the evil fairy cards. Surprise, surprise, we can learn a lot from the evil fairy too ….

Preparing the web streaming of the online session of our learning board game